martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

Video Motivacional de El Gladiador

Quiero mostrarles un video motivacional basado en la película de El Gladiador, saca puntos muy positivos sobre a lucha en la vida, como vencer obstáculos, lograr lo que queremos, mantener nuestros valores, esforzarnos por lo que vale la pena, etc.

Les dejo las frases que más me gustaron:

  • It is necessary to work hard even if there are stumbles and falls.
  • it is necesary to overcome obstacles, to have motivation, persevere and insist.
  • Life is a succesion of battles.
  • What we do in life is echoed in eternity.
  • when good intentions are not enough is when life demands on
    us courage, creativity and unquestionable fighting spirit.
  • The warriors look into the eyes of the future without
    fear or arrogance, but with the confidence of those who
    are ready for battles.
  • How we approach the difficulties is what makes the difference.
  • With agility, strength and determination we can achieve our

1 comentarios:

Axelandra dijo...

Q excelente video!!!!!! :P
